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Twisted, because that is what I did to create this look~ took sections of hair and twisted them then clipped them in place :-)  Thank you for coming to see my new post.  Have a beautiful day!



Hello friends,

Today I fixed my hair in a favorite style from several years ago, when I first starting posting hair pictures online.  I made four English braids in a row, then bundled them up together and held them in place with a single large clip.  (I did a few extra bobby pins, just to make sure everything stayed secure and in place.)  A fun extra to this hairstyle is...braid waves when I finally take my hair down!
     Thank you for following my blog!  I hope you have a wonderful week.



Hi everyone,

Who could not love butterflies? :-)  Today I made a hairstyle with two random French braids and two random lace braids, and braided the length of my hair in one long English braid.  Then I wrapped my English braid back up and around, and held it in place with little hair clips.  The overall look reminded me of butterflies flying together.

Hi everybody,

Today is my birthday!  I fixed my hair in a combination of two of my recent favorite looks, a braided mohawk ponytail and a pull-through braid.  I added little accent braids to my pull-through like Lilith Moon demonstrated in a new video.  A fun hairstyle for my special day :-)